A Glance of the Knowledge Series
Pandemic. Apparently, a term that was completely obsolete and dreamlike just a year ago has now become the uttermost used word of the year. Evidently, the pandemic separated us physically, yet it taught us new ways to be connected over networks and lead a revamped life.
The pandemic has made us survivors who are no more afraid of unprecedented times, rather accustomed to imbibing changes.
Vidya which has already overcome tougher times in the past took this change positively and started a mechanism of its own to stay connected with its widespread family. Vidya launched its knowledge series focusing on different themes from virtual festival celebrations to hosting sessions with eminent leaders of the time.
It has helped in enriching the skills and knowledge of students, teachers, faculty, and all the attendees of the session. Vidya made it successful to cope up with this difficult time and entrusted us to believe, change is the permanent constant.
Additionally, I too had that golden opportunity to be on the panel for one of the knowledge series sessions with a profound personality, Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy. It was no less than a dream come true for me to ask him questions that swirled in my head for years and I was looking for somebody as best as him to answer those.
The entire VIDYA family was exhilarated to have had this opportunity to hold an informative-cum-engaging panel discussion with sir who enlightened us with his visionary thoughts. His strategies to combat complex problems by breaking them down into simpler tasks are undeniably a life lesson that is going to be fruitful in all spheres of life. Charity begins at home, thus, his insights on making India economically successful by first transforming the culture and education systems would be nimbly imbibed in our school curriculum, to prepare model citizens for tomorrow. We ardently hope to receive more strokes of wisdom from him and other eminent leaders of the time, in the coming future.